The Advisory Board for People with Disabilities aims to ensure that people who are disabled or suffer from a chronic condition are able to participate in all educational and research activities at the University. No discrimination of any kind towards disabled or chronically ill people is tolerated.
- Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Richard Crevenna, MBA MSc (Chair)
- Prof. Ing. Dr. Ingwald Strasser
Scientific University Staff Representatives
- Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael Georgopoulos
- Dr. Florian Hofmann
General University Staff Representatives
- Klara Eichler
- Maria Babic (stv. Schriftführerin)
- Harald Trezza
- Prof. Ing. Dr. Ingwald Strasser
- Mag.a Daniela Marschall
- Mag. a Sandra Steinböck
- Julia Sternik
- Valerie Welkhammer (Schriftführerin)
- Lena Linecker, MA
- Mag.a Angelika Hoffer-Pober, MSc (Ersatzmitglied)
Student Representatives
- David Zach
Works Council for the scientific university staff
- Assoc.-Prof. Dr. med.univ. Johannes Kastner
Works Council for the general university staff
- Gabriele Waidringer
Disability counsellor
- OR. Mag.a Margarete Steiner
Disability representative
- AR Susanne Vock
Non-voting advisory members
- DDr. Johann A. Regner (Medical council Burgenland)
Student disability services
The university disability service has been set up to provide support to Medical University of Vienna students and staff who are disabled or suffer from a chronic illness. Based in the University’s Student Services Center, the Disability Officer offers advice and support to students with disabilities or chronic conditions.
The position of Disability Officer is dedicated to creating learning conditions that meet the needs of the disabled, and fulfils the following responsibilities:
- Providing advice and information to students with disabilities or chronic conditions on all areas relating to their studies, such as financial support and legal provisions;
- Providing individual support in specific student or workplace situations;
- Working with teaching staff, university committees and other university bodies to create learning, examination and working conditions that take into account the needs of disabled students and staff;
- Facilitating regular opportunities for sharing experience within the University, for example by organising working groups or setting up interest groups;
- Contributing to the implementation of integration policies at the University; Working with organisational units responsible for building measures;
- taking a proactive role in introducing building alterations to ensure that buildings and facilities are accessible and available;
- Assisting central academic services in adapting facilities so that they are appropriate for use by disabled students.
Students who are assessed as being at least 50% disabled are entitled to claim a disability allowance of EUR 450 per semester. In order to claim the allowance, you must provide proof of disability (disability identification card from the Federal Welfare Office [Bundessozialamt]) and have completed courses at the University amounting to at least four contact hours per semester (Semesterstunden). The application period ends with the deadline for admissions for the following semester (as specified in section 61(1) Universities Act [Universtätsgesetz]).