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Comprehensive Cancer Center

Head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Shahrokh Shariat
Deputy Head: Mag.a Maria Sibilia
Deputy Head: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Joachim Widder

Comprehensive Cancer Center
Spitalgasse 23, BT86/E01
1090 Vienna, Austria

P: +43 (0)1 40160-35602
F: +43 (0)1 40160-935603

To the CCC-Website

The Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) Vienna of the MedUni Vienna and AKH Wien links all professional groups of both these institutions which treat cancer patients, research cancerous diseases, and are active in teaching and education in this field. 

Thus, the CCC connects competent, inter-disciplinary medical care of cancer patients with clinical and fundamental scientific research as well as teaching at the highest academic level. The result is innovative procedures in the diagnosis and therapy areas which will be provided to CCC's patients. Moreover, they have the additional possibility of participating in the latest national and international research programmes.
Current studies

From bench to bedside

An important objective of CCC is to use results obtained in fundamental research quickly in hospitals. We succeed in this through close collaboration of the scientists within CCC and connection to institutes outside MedUni Vienna, which perform research in the field of oncology at the high academic, internationally recognised level.
Link to CCC's cooperation partners

Since even training in the field of cancerous diseases is a big concern of the CCC, we offer our members, students and patients a wide range of education and continuing education offers at every stage of education.