Mission Statement
Evaluation and Quality Management is a specialized service unit tasked with the evaluation of teaching and learning activities (teaching evaluation, teaching performance criteria, evaluation of degree programme phases), and of research (administration of the University’s research documentation, and editing data collected for the purposes of evaluating research activities). The unit is also responsible for developing a quality management system, conducting external data surveys (e.g. R&D surveys) and preparing intellectual capital reports.
In the Summer Semester 2008, the Medical University of Vienna took over the evaluation of classes and lectures from Vienna University.
Within the framework of an evaluation scheme approved by the Vice Rectorate for Education and Curriculum Direction, curriculum elements, lectures and examinations in the disciplines of human medicine and dentistry (N202, N203) and doctoral courses (N094 and N790) at MedUni Vienna are evaluated by students online within a 3-year cycle in MedCampus.
Evaluations can also be performed as needed, i.e. teaching staff can ask to be assessed – on paper – on a voluntary basis. All paper-based assessments up to and including the Winter Semester 07/08 were conducted by Vienna University.
The results of the questionnaire evaluations for the period SS 2004 to WS 07/08 have been passed on to us and can be requested from our staff unit by email: evaluation(at)meduniwien.ac.at.
Please note:
Currently, only teaching staff can access the online evaluations of teaching staff (MedCampus) and the staff unit no longer stores or files these reports. Each member of the teaching staff is responsible for storing and filing these reports themselves.
If you have any questions, please contact: evaluation(at)meduniwien.ac.at
Information about postdoctoral qualifications can be found here.