In addition to the 30 University Clinics and the University Clinic of Dentistry, two Clinical Institutes and 12 Centers also belong to MedUni Vienna. Their focus is partly on individual academic subjects, such as neurology or virology, and in part on all academic divisions, e.g. Anatomy or Medical Statistics.
Clinical Organisational Units
University Departments and Clinical Institutes are among the clinical organisational units. All Departments, Institutes and Departments also have the function of patient care departments. With the exception of the University Clinic of Dentistry, all clinics are located at the General Hospital. The General Hospital also functions as a clinical center of the Medical University of Vienna.
The two Clinical Institutes of MedUni Vienna
In addition to the 30 University Departments, there are also two Clinical Institutes at MedUni Vienna:
Non-Clinical Organisational Units
The Medical Theory Division and teaching tasks are organised into 12 Centers. Whereas the Departments - similarly to the University Departments and Clinical Institutes - largely represent only one academic subject, centers are a practical combination according to the point of view of research and education, in a way that has proved to be useful internationally.
The 12 Centers of MedUni Vienna
The 12 Centers of the MedUni Vienna function as centers for academic subjects based on research and teaching criteria:
- Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Center for Brain Research
- Center for Cancer Research
- Center for Forensic Medicine
- Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
- Center for Medical Data Science
- Center for Pathobiochemistry and Genetics
- Center for Pathophysiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology
- Center for Physiology and Pharmacology
- Center for Public Health
- Center for Virology