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The Clinical Practical Year

Information for international students

International students who would like to spend (parts of) their "Clinical Practical Year" (CPY) at one of the teaching hospitals of Medical University of Vienna have several options to organize their stay:

Please note:

  • Applications for Clinical Practical Year electives have to be directed to the respective university clinics or accredited teaching hospitals/departments. All details have to be agreed upon with the hosting clinic/department directly and exclusively.
  • General information on the Clinical Practical Year at MedUni Vienna is available on the following website:
  • External CPY applicants will only be enrolled at MedUni Vienna if their stay takes place in the framework of ERASMUS+/SEMP.
  • Applicants for ERASMUS+/SEMP traineeships have to take note of the application/admission deadlines as well as the application procedure as described on the respective programme website.
  • CPY Logbooks can be signed from the side of MedUni Vienna only if the student has organized their stay via ERASMUS+ / SEMP. Training contents / educational objectives in any case can only be confirmed by the teaching hospital.
  • International Students are welcome to contact the International Office in case of general questions (email to .
  • Provided that the hosting hospital is an accredited teaching hospital of MedUni Vienna, the International Office can sign the Certification of Practical Training at a Hospital upon completion of the training period (both for ERASMUSs+/SEMP participants and Freemover). Only the MedUni Vienna form  linked above will be issued without exception. Students are encouraged to enquire at their home university / the responsible examination office before the start of the training period whether this form is sufficient for their purposes.
  • The Certification of Practical Training at a Hospital can only be issued if the accreditation of both clinic and  department is confirmed on this website (please make sure that name of clinic and name of department are correct).
  • In case of questions regarding the CPY Certification please contact .

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