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Haemophilia  Pathological bleeding tendency 
Main artery  Blood vessel that transports blood into the body, where it supplies tissues and organs with oxygen and other substances and removes carbon dioxide in exchange; in a healthy heart it originates from the left ventricle
Heart echo see echocardiography
Heart failure can occur acutely or chronically and is characterised by the inability of the heart to eject or receive blood
Cardiac catheter Technique in which structures of the heart can be visualised using X-rays and contrast medium, and certain heart defects can be treated with suitable equipment
Coronary vessel Blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart muscle; originates from the aorta in healthy people
Pacemaker Implantable device that takes over the rhythm of the heart action or supports the heart in its electrical activity
Cardiac output Amount of blood that the heart is able to pump in a given time; usually given in litres per minute [l/min]
HLHS Hypoplastic left heart syndrome; see there
HLM Heart-lung machine;
Vena cava Blood vessel that collects deoxygenated or carbon dioxide-rich blood from the body and transports it to the right atrium; a distinction is made between the superior and inferior vena cava in healthy people
Holter ECG See long-term ECG
Homograft Heart valve replacement from human tissue
HRHS Hypoplastic right heart syndrome; see there
Hypertension High blood pressure
Hypertrophy Tissue thickening
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome Group of congenital heart defects, primarily characterised by underdeveloped left-sided sections of the heart (left ventricle, left atrium, aorta)
Hypoplastic right heart syndrome Group of congenital heart defects, primarily characterised by underdeveloped right-sided sections of the heart (right ventricle, right atrium, pulmonary artery)
HZV Cardiac output
Hybrid intervention Combination of a cardiac catheterisation procedure with heart surgery