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Sponsorships & Donations

MedUni Vienna's research output is among the best of any medical institution in Europe. Our scientists are highly regarded on the world stage. Moreover, MedUni Vienna recognises its obligation to society to provide doctors and scientists with the best possible preparation for the healthcare issues of the future. 

In order to safeguard our high standards in research and teaching and to develop these areas further, the Medical University of Vienna relies not only on public funding but also on support from private individuals and corporate donors.

Precision Medicine

Precision medicine is becoming increasingly important in all areas of medicine, including neuroscience - the science that expands our knowledge of the enormously complex functioning of the brain and its changes in neurological and mental illnesses such as epilepsy or depression. Personalized medicine makes it possible to adapt treatments to the best possible effectiveness and tolerability for individual patients.

Center for Cancer Research

Every year, the Institute of Cancer Research initiates around 20 innovative research projects. Because of the Institute's association with the Medical University of Vienna and its proximity to Vienna General Hospital, the areas of basic research and clinical practice can work very closely together and research findings can be incorporated directly into diagnostics and treatment. 

Cancer Research Run

Every year, the Institute of Cancer Research initiates around 20 innovative research projects. Because of the Institute's association with the Medical University of Vienna and its proximity to Vienna General Hospital, the areas of basic research and clinical practice can work very closely together and research findings can be incorporated directly into diagnostics and treatment. 

We would welcome your support for one of our current projects.

Or just get in touch with us. We will be delighted to help identify a suitable project for you. 

Call us on: +43 (0)1 40160-11525 or e-mail us: