Financing your Ph.D. study
The admission to the doctoral program does not imply that your Ph.D. studies are also fully funded because the resources of the project to which you are applying determine the amount of funds available for financing. Therefore, we encourage you to become well informed about your financing options before the start of your doctorate. However, our faculty do their absolute best to secure full funding for all their Ph.D. students.
If you sign your contract as a Ph.D. student with MedUni Vienna, you will be employed as a scientific employee and remunerated in accordance with the collective agreement for academic university staff (Level B1, equal to 30 hours per week). Projects funded by the FWF grant have their own funding regulations; please consult their website for more detailed information. Your supervisor can inform you about your contract and salary terms once you’ve reached a supervision agreement. To give you a better understanding of how much income you might need to live in Vienna, we recommend you to read OeAD's article on living costs.
Health insurance and pension
Due to your employment in Austria, you are automatically covered with health insurance and a pension. Austria has a good and safe health system to which you have full access with your e-card. There is also the option to co-insure your partner and children if necessary.
If you have no employment contract, it is your responsibility to ensure you are covered by health insurance.
For funding opportunities, scholarships or (state) support, you can obtain further information from the links below:
- Graduation scholarship for working students
- Grant for people with challenges
- Veronika-Fialka-Moser-Diversitäts-Preis