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Endocrinology and Metabolism

PhD Programm (UN094)
Nächster Start
Kosten und Finanzierung
Programm Koordinator:in

Clemens Fürnsinn


PhD Programmaufbau (UN094)
Dauer: 6 Semester (180 ECTS)
Abschluss: PhD

After initial elucidation of endocrine regulatory mechanisms and principal metabolic pathways in the midst of the 20th century, advances in molecular biology and experimental methodology have paved the way for further scientific progress. A prerequisite for this progress is the availability of trained researchers. It is the aim of the thematic program "Endocrinology and Metabolism" to train students for modern and comprehensive scientific challenges with particular focus on basic research.

Scientifically as well as clinically, the topics related to endocrinology and metabolism extend into many subjects including internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, surgery, nutritional medicine, and more. Thematically, the program comprises this broad field in basic sciences, diagnostics and novel therapeutic approaches. The elaboration of the thesis project is the predominant effort in the doctoral program and results in the compilation of the doctoral thesis. Research work is accompanied by lectures and courses, which are to provide broad basic knowledge in endocrinology and metabolism. This includes Propedeutics and Basic Lectures, as well as seminars for interaction between the students enrolled in the program. The latter include Journal Club and Thesis Seminar, where scientific results arising from the literature and from the projects of the participating students are presented and critically discussed.

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