Information on the application for the Venia docendi at the Medical University of Vienna
Applications for the venia docendi can be submitted on an ongoing basis ("time of submission" from which the applicable JCR list results, see explanations of the habilitation guidelines).
In order to ensure a defined process flow and shorten the duration of the procedure, the submission process is carried out electronically.
Information for external lecturers or submitters without MedCampus access:
Save the required documents on a USB stick and send it to the postal address below.
In order to confirm that the submission is complete, you are requested to pay the amount calculated by the Office of the University Administration in accordance with the Fees Act 1957 as amended in advance. (You will receive information and bank details in an electronic message from Ms. Michaela Bronhagl or Ms. Silvia Ellend).
The habilitation application can only be processed after full payment of the fee and submission of the payment receipt (pdf file).
The following documents listed must have arrived in paper format into the university administration office by this time (form sheets and forms are available as downloads – see below)
For further information in administrative matters contact
Michaela Bronhagl
P: +43 (0)1 40160-101 50
Silvia Ellend
P: +43 (0)1 40160-101 41
University Management
Building 88, 1. Floor, Room 906E
Spitalgasse 23
1090 Vienna, Austria
- Request with information about the private and office address (signed upload and scanned Download)
- Curriculum Vitae (no template)
- Journallist (Download) - publications included for the synopsis of the qualification treatise need to be marked with an *
- List of publications (no template)
- PhD certificate or specialist doctor's degree (copy)
- Personal data form (signed upload and scanned Download)
- Proof of citizenship (copy). For foreign nationals: Passport copy
- Information on the evaluation of teaching at Medical University of Vienna
- 4-6 pages of the synopsis of the qualification treatise (no template)
- Scientific works in original (*pdf)
Files are to be saved as pdf files and uploaded.